Grand Slam Tennis is a tennis video game developed by EA Canada, and was initially released for the Wii on June 8th 2009. Versions for the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 will probably be released around Autumn 2009. Currently, details on the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 versions are minimal, but some features for the Wii version include online play, Wii MotionPlus functionality, pick up and play, a Grand Slam career mode, and all four Grand Slam locations, including Wimbledon. The Wii version was also the first title in Europe to ...
Just a match up showing how the game plays online. Figured that I had my shot control down decent enough to try playing against the world again. Unfortunately, I had to contend with some lag later on during the match, and while it did get better over time it sort of already did its damage by the end of the game. Youll see what Im talking about, especially with the ball hanging in the air for like a split second. The match lasted about 13 minutes, so the last 4 minutes or so got cut off because its not like you can pause an o...
The second online match up I did today, this time it was ranked so I actually had something on the line with this one. Like the last one, this one went on for a good while so the whole match didnt make the cut. However, I was damn sure that this game was heading south, as I was making some really bad errors in the beginning. Game was 0-2 with him about to win the whole match, but then something started to click... Even though you wont get to see the whole match, youll start getting a general idea of just what happened afterw...
Alright, so that first set was bad. So what, everyones got their bad days. (lol) Now, Tiger 10 worked so good that theres no way Ill ever play any Tiger Woods golf game before it with a straight face ever again. Grand Slam, on the other hand, has a LOT more stuff that it has to keep up with motion wise so theres NO way its MP debut would EVER be as good as Tigers outing. However, it is a valiant first effort, and one that I must applaud EA for. So, does this FINALLY beat out Wii Tennis. At the moment Ill have to say hell yea...
paquitohs vs mazelebaron (with some nice and long rallys) First it was frustrating, because I had so many chances to finish the game earlier and he had some luck with net-cords, but who cares. Learning by doing ;-)...
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