Red Dead Redemption is an open-world, third-person, action-adventure game set at the tail end of the American West West era. Action takes place in the first few years of the twentieth century and revolves around the choices that the protagonist, former outlaw John Marston, is forced to make due to his blemished past. The game features a morality system assigning honor and fame points generated through the players choices. It also features Wild West themed mini-games, new targeting and cover systems, extensive horse riding ab...
turtlebeach The Ear Force XLC is the ideal headset for cost-conscious gamers who want to enjoy improved game sound with their XBOX 360. Check out Turtle Beach XLCs: turtlebeach Turtle Beach: turtlebeach...
Kung Fu Panda 2 will be released on June 10th 2011 on Xbox 360, Playstation 3, Nintendo Wii and Nintendo DS. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kung Fu Panda 2 is the sequel to the blockbuster hit, Kung Fu Panda. In an original story, players are plunged into a video game at the climactic end end-of-movie battle between Master Shen and Po. Players must help Po, the furious five with the council of respected masters, S...
The Integral Xpression Animal Collection Flash Drives feature fun, double-sided designs with an animal character on one side and an animal skin pattern on the reverse. For more information please visit integralmemory...
The Kingston 8GB DataTraveler USB Flash Drive is a cost effective and very portable way of carrying around a decent amount of data with you. Check out the review for the full details and brilliant price. Useful Links Supplied by: Sponsor: eazydraw YouTube Channel: youtube Website: Twitter: twitter...
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