The new trailer for Dynasty Warriors: Gundam 3, showcasing this sequel developed by KOEIs Omega Force team. Dynasty Warriors: Gundam 3 will be available in summer 2011, for Xbox 360 and PS3. PRE-ORDER Dynasty Warriors: Gundam 3 NOW: Coming soon. Dynasty Warriors: Gundam 3 - Gameplay Trailer (2011) OFFICIAL | HD Developer: Koei Release Date: June 24, 2011(EU) - June 28, 2011(US) Genre: Action Platform: Xbox 360, PS3 Publisher: Namco Bandai Website: koei ESRB: T (Fantasy Violence; Mild Language) FOLLOW US @ Twitter TAGS: video...
Everythings about Gundam, I like to play them. I got this game since May 5, 2009, and recorded it yesterday. This is my first playing. Hope you enjoy my video. :D Me: Go! Slash them, Gundam~~~! Fight for true peace in the World! XD...
NEW TRAILER RELEASED:june 15,Released for the ps3 in japan already selling over 200000 copies.Finally bandai got it right for a gundam game-Hitamaru,Best of the two series with Gundam wing and G gundam~Nazaki!really this the best Gundam games since the 2-D fighter!...
Were now introduced to a new Gundam game: Dynasty Warriors Gundam 2, otherwise known as Gundam Musou 2. This game features greatly improved graphics, new stories, and new Gundams such as F91 Gundam, Nu Gundam, and of course, Strike Freedom Gundam from Gundam Seed Destiny, and more. Were also reintroduced to familiar ones such as Wing Zero, Burning Gundam, Zeta Gundam and more. Due to release on PS3 and Xbox 360 in the US sometime next year. Confirmed PLAYABLE Mobile Suits: Nu Gundam *NEW* Sazabi *NEW* Strike Freedom Gundam *...
This is my next video game purchase for Hayden. `not a review` It is available on the Playstation 2 and Playstation 3 and also the X Box 360 game systems. I also would like to thank Midway and the producers of Wheelman for the T-shirts for me and littledigitil. Gameplay video up youtube...
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