Title: Dragon Quest Swords: The Masked Queen and the Tower of Mirrors (EU, US), Dragon Quest Sword: Kamen no Joou to Kagami no Tou (JP) System: Wii Version: PAL Language: English Developer: Genius Sonority Inc. Publisher: Square Enix Not a very good game, I hope DQ X will be better....
Dragon Quest Swords: The Masked Queen and the Tower of Mirrors is an exclusive title utilizes the Wiis motion-sensing controls as players use the Wii remote to slash, parry and blast their way through a land filled with trademark Dragon Quest foes. ONLY 4 THE NINTENDO Wii in 2008...
Famous game music composer Manami Matsumae teams up with Koichi Sugiyama to deliver a powerful soundtrack. Combine materials to create stronger swords and learn special abilities. Wii Remote-driven battles are simple to control, but boast a variety of styles. Available actions range from a wide array of sword techniques to casting magic to blocking enemy attacks with your shield. A colorful assortment of unique monsters familiar to DRAGON QUEST fans and vivid battle scenes make for the most realistic battle experience yet!...
Watch out, its a review for Dragon Quest Swords: The Masked Queen and the Tower of Mirrors for the Nintendo Wii. This is sadly a more serious and relaxed review so it isnt as exciting as Alvin and the Chipmunks. Please dont hate, YouTube trolls and remember that I consider a 5 to be average and I do my best to give games the most honest score I can. FUNFACT: I probably wont review it (because recording DS games with a camera is so tacky), but I would definitely give Dragon Quest Heroes: Rocket Slime an 8/10. Its really worth...
The opening of Dragon Quest Swords: The Masked Queen and the Tower of Mirrors on Wii. Its quite a cool game, and its worth a purchase if you can find it on the cheap. Its a tad short though, the main quest clocks in at about 6-8 hours. I plan to upload chapter 1 as well when I can, but I doubt Ill do a full playthrough....
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