Disneys Tangled: The Video Game is a fun-filled comedy adventure inspired by the animated film with in-game voice acting from the films talent, Mandy Moore and Zach Levi. In this action-packed, visually entertaining journey, players venture into a vast kingdom filled with real world elements, unique environments to explore, creative play, fun quests and competitive challenges. Discover multiple activities, meet interesting characters, befriend animals and work as a team to help the adventurous Rapunzel and swashbuckling Flyn...
Classic Game Room reviews TANGLED the video game from Disney based on Tangled the animated 3D movie based on Rapunzel the fairy tale. Tangled the videogame for Nintendo Wii is a standard E for everyone rated kids game aimed at fans of Tangled the film. This CGR review of Tangled from Planet Moon Studios has gameplay from Disney Tangled the videogame on Nintendo Wii showing Tangled gameplay using standard Nintendo Wii controls with Wiimote and Nunchuk controllers. If you get stuck at a level where you cant get Flynn back to R...
Disney Tangled: The Video Game is a story-based adventure where players team up with Rapunzel to explore a vast kingdom filled with colourful environments as well as engaging quests and challenges. Explore Rapunzels world to find collectibles Solve puzzles and challenges Meet friends, such as Flynn and Pascal, and go on fun quests Use Rapunzels magical hair to rejuvenate objects and befriend animals Play fun mini-games and gain skill to master them Disneys Tangled The Video Game is released onto DS and also Wii and PC (Wii a...
Hair in-theater trailer -- Disney Tangled: The Video Game Facebook: on.fb.me Available now: amzn.to Swing into action with Disney Tangled on Wii ™ console! *** More Disney video games... Check out DISNEY EPIC MICKEY: youtube *** Visit the other Disney......
Disney Channel Get Connected -- Disney Tangled: The Video Game Facebook: on.fb.me Available now: amzn.to As featured on the Disney Channel, check out Mandy Moores and Zachary Levis interview about voicing Rapunzel and Flynn for the video game. *** More Disney video games.........
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