A story about Allan Pinkerton Allan Pinkerton (1819-1884) was a Scottish American detective and spy, best known for creating the Pinkerton National Detective Agency, the first detective agency of the United States. en.wikipedia...
A dark detective thriller set against the most violent years in LAs history, LA Noires revolutionary marriage of gameplay and advanced capture technology is coming in spring 2011. The first proper trailer was launched last week, and recently, members of the gaming press worldwide got their first look at the game in motion. Heres a roundup of what they discovered, alongside some brand new screenshots released today: A meticulously detailed 1947 Los Angeles is the backdrop for LA Noires dark story, with incredible attention in...
A dark detective thriller set against the most violent years in LAs history, LA Noires revolutionary marriage of gameplay and advanced capture technology is coming in spring 2011. The first proper trailer was launched last week, and recently, members of the gaming press worldwide got their first look at the game in motion. Heres a roundup of what they discovered, alongside some brand new screenshots released today: A meticulously detailed 1947 Los Angeles is the backdrop for LA Noires dark story, with incredible attention in...
bit.ly - Subscribe! Twitter - Follow Us! New footage was released of upcoming detective game LA Noire. Ive got gameplay footage pics? right here on Clevver Games. LA Noires release is only weeks away! Hey everyone Im Andrea Rene for Clevver Games with new footage that was released showing new gameplay for the upcoming open world detective game. The footage on Rockstars website explains how to rise through the ranks of the Los Angeles Police Department. Youll move from desk to desk starting out as a uniformed field officer mo...
A sample of LA Noire gameplay footage during The Drivers Seat mission where I also obtain several achievements. Watch how the story unfolds in the game! Achievements: 15GS One for the File - Inspect a Clue as a Detective 15GS The Plot Thickens - Find and Solve an Inspection Puzzle 15GS The Straight Dope - Use evidence to prove a lie twitter...
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