Dead Space Extraction tells the story of a handful of space colonists desperately struggling to escape from a horrific infection on the Aegis VII mining colony deep in the furthest regions of space. The game introduces a new heroine to the fiction and as the crew fall victim to a mysterious contagion aboard the ship, it becomes clear that protecting her may be their only hope for survival. Dead Space Extraction introduces all new characters, weapons, enemies, puzzles and co-operative multiplayer gameplay. Built from the grou...
Dead Space Extraction (Wii) - EA ANNOUNCES DEAD SPACE EXTRACTION EXCLUSIVE FOR THE Wii All-New Hero, Story and Characters Extend the Dead Space Universe Guildford, UK; February 18, 2009 Electronic Arts Inc. (NASDAQ: ERTS) today revealed Dead Space™ Extraction, an all-new chapter from the studio that delivered the award-winning action-horror Dead Space game. Built from the ground up and developed exclusively for the Wii™, Dead Space Extraction is a prequel that reveals the events leading up to Isaac Clarkes mission on the...
Dead Space Extraction tells the story of a handful of space colonists desperately struggling to escape from a horrific infection on the Aegis VII mining colony deep in the furthest regions of space. The game introduces a new heroine to the fiction and as the crew fall victim to a mysterious contagion aboard the ship, it becomes clear that protecting her may be their only hope for survival. Dead Space Extraction introduces all new characters, weapons, enemies, puzzles and co-operative multiplayer gameplay. Built from the grou...
Classic Game Room presents a CGR Undertow review of EAs DEAD SPACE EXTRACTION, released in 2009, for the Wii. This video game review features DEAD SPACE EXTRACTION video gameplay footage and commentary. This review is from Classic Game Room reviewer Derek....
gamezplay - The world of Dead Space has such a deep storyline that its easily adaptable to other mediums, said Executive Producer of Dead Space, Glen Schofield. We love the fact our story is being told across multiple forms of media, providing different experiences to different audiences, which all lead to the same dark place....
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