[VIEW MY NEW GAMES LIST VIDEO FOR A UPDATED VERSION, INCLUDING NEW GAMES NOT SEEN HERE!] This is a video showing Exclusive and Multiplatform Games coming for PS3. Listed Below are the games. Folklore- The Eye of Judgment- Ratchet & Clank: FTOD- Singstar - Haze - GT: Prologue - Time Crisis 4 - Uncharted: Drakes Fortune - Infamous - Killzone 2- LittleBigPlanet - MGS4 - MG:O - Echochrome - Heavy Rain - Coded Arms Assault - Eight Days - Afrika - Eyedentify - FF 13 - Fl0wer - fifth Phantom Saga - The Getaway - GT 5 - Hot Shots Go...
There were definitely fewer great games in the sixth generation era. Still, the PS2 has plenty of good games, and its also the most successful gaming console ever. The games included in this list are the best of the best, although there are many other good games for the PS2. My picks had to be entertaining, well-made, groundbreaking and influential. The PlayStation 2 (officially abbreviated PS2) is a sixth-generation video game console manufactured by Sony. The successor to the PlayStation, and the predecessor to the PlaySta...
E3 Coverage Vid E3 this year all about 3D and motion movement for games. Mario sports mix Kirby:Epic Yarn Metriod new M Just Dance 2 Goldeneye for the wii, developed by activision, Wii exclusive Zelda: Skyward Swords Donkey Kong Country coming to wii...again 360 Slim, with built in WiFi, 250GB Hard Drive, and is Kinetic ready 299 Metal Gear Solid and Assassins Creed coming in 3D for 3DS Nintendogs and Cats as launch game for 3DS DJ Hero and Resident Evil for 3Ds 3DS to have HD Graphics Tron Evolution on 3DS Guitar Hero, Warr...
New VId Tommorow E3 Coverage Vid E3 this year all about 3D and motion movement for games. Mario sports mix Kirby:Epic Yarn Metriod new M Just Dance 2 Goldeneye for the wii, developed by activision, Wii exclusive Zelda: Skyward Swords Donkey Kong Country coming to wii...again 360 Slim, with built in WiFi, 250GB Hard Drive, and is Kinetic ready 299 Metal Gear Solid and Assassins Creed coming in 3D for 3DS Nintendogs and Cats as launch game for 3DS DJ Hero and Resident Evil for 3Ds 3DS to have HD Graphics Tron Evolution on 3DS ...
My ps2 collecttion only 6 so far lost all of my 20 somethin games ignore Lovely swedish neighbours. Sweden sucks :) Finland is much much better country. Funny 4 minute. tags: mario peach zelda nintendo poop pee caca spanish lerbron james peeple of crap and i dont like you guys at all so why dont you go away from my videos forever just kiding subscribe or im going to die please i have terminal illnsesses kirby meta knight king dedede sasuke naruto sakura kakashi inari pikachu pichu super msash bros guitar hero linkin park swe...