youtube Click here to watch Inside Gaming: E3 2010 Coverage - Day 1 (Hourly Coverage!) Inside Gaming Plus E3 2010: Rock Band 3 Interview w/ Daniel Sussman (Harmonix) In this interview with Daniel Sussman, a Project Director for Harmonix, tells us about the addition of the keyboard and the pro mode to Rock Band 3. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Follow Machinima on Twitter! Machinima twitter Inside Gaming twitter Machinima Respawn twitter Machinima Entertainment, Technology, Culture...
Hey guys, YukiroKun here and today (06/30/2009) completes 1 year Im on YouTube as YukiroKun. All of you, at least the majority, should be wondering where the name Yukiro is from. Well, everything started when I met a guy called João. He became a little friend of mine, we started training pokemon and everything else, then he started to use the name Yarumo and said that hes going to open a YouTube account. I can remember that I wanted a nickname cool as his, so I started using Yukiro After much training me and Yarumo decided ...
From the Album PONKY mybrotherdaniel.bandcamp live improv setup :: 2 x Nintendo DS running Korg DS-10 - casio sk1 - modified Barbie keyboard & FX recorded live at Front St Coffeehouses Ambient Valentine Show 2/13/11 Video credit :: Brian A...
First German Jump League | 1/4 Final Hardjump | KoNa´ Vs. Wpt.Daniel I JUMP IN SOCKS!! Yes, this is my Hardjump movie Visit... Greetz to: Vote Team LiL-DiM kysajumping DS^Jumper JumpMyst Fantom ______ J4S Hardstyle King Samurai Project-X Allstarflo Jump93 *JCR*HIgherLevel Xeroo Lastjumper Alladings B!GD Handy burningspike JumperKenny strik3r HanneZ Timme TheSystem Prinsto Jackiih Kakkao Teddybear Jumpen HardstyleBabe Big P *Jumpi* @rzi JuMpinGVan3 FxD Killischjumpen Wpt.Daniel and all my friends Greeeetz :P Have ...