Become Dr. Darien Dane or his assistant Victoria Sutton, as you investigate the mysterious disappearance of an ancient sacred Egyptian statue from the British Museum. This unique statue is protected by an evil curse that resides within it, that causes madness, or violent death, to all those who come in contact with it. The Curse manifests itself by raising the dead and animating diabolical objects. It is up to you to find and return the cursed statue to the pyramid that it should never have been taken from....
Its basically Resident Evil with British folk and a different setting, and was developed by Asylum Entertainment. Seriously. Its okay I guess and at least manages to be kinda scary every so often. In Great Britains museum of natural history in 1890, a gang of ruthless thugs break in and have stolen the sacred Eye of Isis Egyptian statue, which causes a lot of strange things to happen and a mysterious yellow fog to kill, warp, or weaken those it touches, and it also has the strange ability to transform those it touches into z...
Its basically Resident Evil with British folk and a different setting, and was developed by Asylum Entertainment. Seriously. Its okay I guess and at least manages to be kinda scary every so often. In Great Britains museum of natural history in 1890, a gang of ruthless thugs break in and have stolen the sacred Eye of Isis Egyptian statue, which causes a lot of strange things to happen and a mysterious yellow fog to kill, warp, or weaken those it touches, and it also has the strange ability to transform those it touches into z...
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