Crash Time 4 The Syndicate Debut Trailer [HD] Developer: Synetic Release: Q4/2010 Genre: Racing Platform: X360/PC Publisher: dtp In single player mode, which has also been completely re-designed, players are chasing down a criminal syndicate, whose members are trying to stop the police and gain control over the scenic city of Cologne. Based on the German TV series Alarm für Cobra 11 (known as Cobra 11 or Autobahn Cop in several countries), players slip into the roles of the two highway cops Semir and Ben, the TV series main...
Fans of arcade-racing-action watch out, Crash Time hits the fast lane! Daring stunts, spectacular crashes and thrilling criminal cases: All fans of the racing genre will easily fall in love with the newest creation of Synetic -- the well-known specialists for furious racing-games. Various exciting cases await the player as part of the Cobra 11 police force. Solving them requires several diverse missions to be successfully completed: Be it helicopter chases, jumps across moving trains or reconnaissance runs in tanks -- top-no...
Tonyski and Brownman show you how to get seven Achievements in Crash Time - Autubahn Pursuit for the Xbox 360: Acknowledgements, !esreveR, Far Ahead, Nitro Burner, Builder, Clear the Drains!, and Flyover!...
Race in CT4 Crash Time 4 The Syndicate Debut Trailer [HD] Developer: Synetic Release: Q4/2010 Genre: Racing Platform: X360/PC Publisher: dtp In single player mode, which has also been completely re-designed, players are chasing down a criminal syndicate, whose members are trying to stop the police and gain control over the scenic city of Cologne. Based on the German TV series Alarm für Cobra 11 (known as Cobra 11 or Autobahn Cop in several countries), players slip into the roles of the two highway cops Semir and Ben, the TV...
I JUST WANTED TO GO TO THE BAKERY, DAMN Crash Time 3 (aka Alarm for Cobra 11: Highway Nights) by Syneptic is an action-racing game where you play as two German cops doing whatever it is the polizei do. It is not like any regular racing game and it handles quite a bit like Need for Speed: Most Wanted (its nice but I still suck at driving :P). The voice acting and storyline are terrible, but it makes it up with its amazing graphics and fun. Do all games out of Germany have such great graphics? (ie Crysis/Crysis Warhead). I rec...