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The XCM LED Fan not only replaces the stock PlayStation 3 Slim fan but it also brings the PS3 to life with a built in LED. If youre looking for something unique, the XCM LED Fan comes in 3 different colors: RED, GREEN and BLUE. Install this with the XCM Cyberbot Replacement Case and you will have one of the coolest PS3 Slims on the block. Cyberbot video - youtube...
Classic Game Room HD Behind the Scenes Part 1: MEET MR. WINDY. Meet the Classic Game Rooms top of the line editing system that needs a new cooling device. While editing the new Gran Turismo 5 Prologue review GT5 for thePlaystation 3 PS3 video game console their high end monster editing system was literally choking to death and overheating. Thanks to some quick thinking they fixed the problem with a new friend and a new member of the Classic Game Room Family, Mr. Windy. Classic Game Room was the FIRST classic video game revie...
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