Command & Conquer 3 Kanes Wrath Launch Trailer [HD] Developer: EA Release: 3/24/2008 Genre: RTS Platform: PC/X360 Publisher: EA Website: wwwmandandconquer Experience a new story that spans 20 years -- from the rebirth of the Brotherhood of Nod after the Second Tiberium War through the dramatic events of the Third Tiberium War and beyond. The story is told through a new set of high-definition live action video sequences starring a celebrity cast. Joe Kucan, the original actor who portrayed the character Kane in Command & Conq...
Command & Conquer 3: Kanes Wrath is an expansion pack in development for the real-time strategy video game Command & Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars. It is expected to be released in the beginning of 2008 for Windows and Xbox 360. New features: * New units, upgrades, powers and structures for each of the three factions (Global Defense Initiative, Brotherhood of Nod & Scrin). * Each of the factions gets two subfactions which each have unique special units, upgrades and powers to cater for more specialised styles of play. Bringing th...
Command & Conquer 3 Kanes Wrath In the name of Kane! The Command & Conquer™ series continues to thrive with Command & Conquer™ 3: Kanes Wrath. As the expansion pack to the critically-acclaimed and fan favorite, Command & Conquer 3 Tiberium Wars™, this Real-time Strategy (RTS) game returns to the Tiberium Universe with Kane at the center of an epic new single player campaign spanning 20 years -- from the rebirth of the Brotherhood of Nod after the Second Tiberium War through the dramatic events of the Third Tiberium War...
An online game featuring Command and Conquer 3s expansion pack, Kanes Wrath. Many of the new units are shown and I hope you fans out there enjoy. **IMPORTANT** Due to the time limitations of Youtube, I have split this video into two. The second part can be found here youtube Players: master_revan and -ionized [space] vs two random guys Music: Command and Conquer Tiberian Dawn soundtrack...
I just decided to have some fun, and attempt a mothership rush with the scrin... The game was played online, on a 1vs1 unranked game, initial resources were at the minium, 10000... Comment and Subscribe please! =]...
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