mmmmmhhh... yeah... compared to my 1st gameplay video... this is actually a big step ahead...!! Ill try to find a way to record even the sounds by the next time I upload another PSP game gameplay video. Wish me luck!...
Me playing Code Lyoko: Quest for Infinity! Awesome game! Easy controls and fun to aim and shoot. Also the gameplay isnt bad AT ALL! Sorry for the blurry image... shot it with my Nokia N73. I was holding the phone in my right hand and playing with my left hand. Oh... and ignore my dog barking... xD...
nintendoplayers This is the second footage of Code Lyoko for the Wii to be released, once again brought to you first by Nintendo Players. This time, we give you a preview of the Space shooter gameplay. Its got some oldschool feeling to it!...
TV Show : Code Lyoko Game : Quest For Infinity Music : Mother Earth & A World Without Danger Artist : Subdigitals Site Web : ► ► Code Lyoko Copyright MoonScoop France 3/ Canal J.2003...
First part of my first LP so tell me what you think. Here we go to the desert sector with Odd only. Comment,rate,subscribe and enjoy! Avalible for Wii,PS2 and PSP Sorry for some sounds in the background wich willruinsome future videos...
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