Steam Deals 29th Dec to 30th Dec Deals from 6pm UK time today (Dec 29th) until 6pm UK time tomorrow (Dec 30th) are as follows: 1. Greed Corp £7.99 to £2.00 (75% off) 2. Swords and Soldiers £6.99 to £1.75 (75%) 3. Hearts of Iron III Complete £43.10 to £10.77 (75%) 4. Brothers In Arms games all 75% off 5. City or Heroes Going Rogue Complete £26.99 to £6.75 (75%) 6. The Ball £14.99 to £3.74 (75% off) 7. Dead Space £14.99 to £5.10 (66% off) 8. The Quake Collection (8 games/packs) £16.99 to £5.78 (66% off) 9. Kayne ...
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