gamezplay Now, Crusher sits there, broken and tattered and begging CID to spare him his life. Crusher explains that D-Troit has control over the minds of all the evil robots and that they werent always bad!...
gamezplay - Remember you can embed, comment, rate and subscribe. A star is born and hes made to last. CID THE DUMMY makes his debut in Oxygen Games first multi-platform production. Its an all-new action platformer that is sure to grab you with its enjoyable, fun gameplay, featuring a totally original character with charisma and moves, different fighting styles with which to battle enemies from unarmed combat to weapons like the Bazooka that can freeze, hit and burn. • Interact as only a crash impact dummy can. Climb walls,...
gamezplay - A star is born and hes made to last. CID THE DUMMY makes his debut in Oxygen Games all-new action platformer. CID THE DUMMY is sure to grab you with its enjoyable, fun gameplay, featuring a totally original character with charisma and lots of moves. CID has many different fighting styles with which to battle enemies, from unarmed combat to weapons like the Bazooka that can freeze, hit and burn. http...
gamezplay - The game is set in a near-future version of our planet. Litigiousness and refusal to accept responsibility has grown to such an extent that any product manufactured or sold by anyone, anywhere, has to pass a near-infinite barrage of safety tests. Be it a steamroller, a plimsoll, or a book, its got to be safety checked by independent government bodies in triplicate, and only after long-term safety testing can it be unleashed on the general public. More on my blog http...
CID The Dummy is a game brought to you by O-Games. Its set in a world where crash impact dummies test everything for safety-including steamrollers, escalators, books and even lemonade. But CID is tired of that same routine and looks for new and exciting adventures. Check it out....