I Married A Beautiful Woman. Roger Moore (James Bond) tells me. Wow I was over 200 lbs. then... 150s now. That was FOUR years ago, and I had less, and bad hair wow! See THIS: youtube Rick Dees. A Class Act! Live Fearless with Sam Botta Clip from Dees Entertainment Studios - Fathers Day be reminded that great men still exist. If you are having difficulty meeting him, youve not met my friends yet. But then again, my male friends are people that are in constant learning, constant growth, they know why they are on the earth and ...
Exclusive! Harry Potter vs. Voldemort in an epic rap battle to determine who is the ultimate wizard! Indy Mogul features the Voldemort make-up effect in this Original Short test film. Build episode: youtube Download the MP3: indymogul IndyMogul Lyrics Voldemort #1: Im the darkest dark wizard in all of history, Ill slay your ass out like Cedric Diggory. With a wave of my finger Ill put you on the floor Yous a punk ass little kid without Dumbeldore, Im the best wizard rapper you ever will see, youre a peewee witch midget with ...
Go to recklesstortuga to see the latest video early!!! Aaron has a major meltdown after downloading the MW2 Stimulus Package. Directed & Edited by Jason Schnell Produced by: Eric Pumphrey Written by: Lindsey Reckis Song by: youtube/blakkjak Starring: Eric Pumphrey as Aaron...
When it comes to technology, look and feel matters - advanced functionality is worthless if too complex to master; sleek design is pointless if it isnt also enjoyable to use. As our devices get more complex, the way we use them needs to become more intuitive. In this session we will hear from those at the forefront of ushering in the next generation of technologies which promise to transform the way we interact with the world. Professor Andreas Dengel (Scientific Director, German Research Centre for Artificial Intelligence) ...
Lyrics: Yes i can see her Cause every girl here wanna be her.. Ohh shes a diva They feel the same and i wanna meet her They say she low down, its just a rumor and i dont believe them they say she needs to slow down the baddest thing around town She is nothing like a girl youve......
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