A handful of Caps classic villains are on hand for his movie-based video game appearance! Captain America: Super Soldier, a video game based on the Marvel Entertainments famed Super Hero franchise and slated for launch on July 19th, 2011, for Xbox 360, PS3, Wii, DS and 3DS. Captain America: Super Soldier is a third person action adventure game which combines dynamic acrobatic platforming with a fast and fluid melee combat system. Written by renowned Marvel comic writer Christos Gage, the game follows a storyline set within t...
Captain America: Super Soldier is a thirdperson action adventure game for the Nintendo DS, PlayStation 3, Wii and Xbox 360 which combines dynamic acrobatic platforming with a fast and fluid melee combat system. Written by renowned Marvel comic writer Christos Gage, the game follows an engaging storyline set within the period of WWII. Players will take the role of Super Soldier Captain America and test their skills as they battle infamous enemies such as Iron Cross, the Hydra Army and the legendary Red Skull. sega Please dont...
Captain America Super Soldier NYCC 2010 Debut Trailer [HD] Developer: SegaRelease: TBA Genre: Action Platform: PS3/X360/Wii/DS/PSP Publisher: Sega Captain America: Super Soldier is a third person action adventure game which combines dynamic acrobatic platforming with a fast and fluid melee combat system. Written by renowned Marvel comic writer Christos Gage, the game follows an engaging storyline set within the period of WWII. Players will take the role of Super Soldier Captain America and test their skills as they battle in...
Captain America: Super Soldier is a thirdperson action adventure game for the Nintendo DS, PlayStation 3, Wii and Xbox 360 which combines dynamic acrobatic platforming with a fast and fluid melee combat system. Written by renowned Marvel comic writer Christos Gage, the game follows an engaging storyline set within the period of WWII. Players will take the role of Super Soldier Captain America and test their skills as they battle infamous enemies such as Iron Cross, the Hydra Army and the legendary Red Skull. sega Please dont...
from the press release SEGA of America, Inc and SEGA , Europe Ltd. today announced they will bring Marvel Entertainments famed Super Hero franchise Captain America to video game systems in an original WWII adventure, Captain America: Super Soldier. The title is scheduled for release in 2011 on the Xbox 360 video game and entertainment system from Microsoft, PlayStation 3 computer entertainment system, PSP (PlayStation Portable) system, Wii and Nintendo DS . Videogame players the world over can now become Marvels iconic Super...
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