I have a huge issue in my Greatest Hits copy of Burnout Paradise for PS3. The game will freeze constantly as shown in the video. Please help me, I really love this game but I cant play with the constant freezing any more. IGNORE: Tags:Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 Mw2 search and destroy snd killcam of the week match team death match free for all gamer mw2 weapons glitches glitch new CodGameplay Cod Gameplay Fuelup Wasteland Underpass Terminal Sub Base Skidrow Scrapyard Rust Rundown Quarry Karachi Invasion Highrise Favela Est...
Burnout Paradise Manhattan Spirit Best Color Used In: Red My intro to the new ghostbusters car and Big Surf Island. Welcoming you to the ultimate Burnout Paradise experience. The Manhattan Spirit or Ghostbusterss Ecto 1 is an agressive car with strength, speed, and annoying sirens. (lol) This car is great for barrel rolls as shown in the video and cool to use. In my first Burnout Paradise video, I take the streets of Big Surf Island go off of incredibly high jumps with the Ecto 1. And if thats not pleasing enough for a gamer...
THE GAMES IN ORDER: 10:Burnout Paradise 9: Madden NFL 09 8:Modern Warfare 1 7.MotorStorm 6.Guitar Hero 3 5.RockBand 2 4. World At War 3.LittleBigPlanet 2.Black Ops 1.Modern Warfare 2 HOPE YOU ENJOYED Dont forget to leave a comment or subscribe Wanna be friends on PlayStation Network? just add me on ratard429 Ill try to catch back with you guys later with more gaming vids and SpencerMania vids...
i did not put these 4 games Unreal Tournament 3 Super street fighter IV Red faction Guerrilla Call of duty world at war UPDATE for GAMES Lost Planet 2 5-21-2010 Dantes Inferno 5-23-2010 Red Dead Redemption 5-23-2010 Just Cause 2 6-4-2010 BioShock 2 5-7-2010 WWE SDvsRAW 2010 5-7-2010 Burnout Paradise Greatest Hits 6-12-2010 UFC 09 Greatest Hits 6-12-2010 Jurassic the Hunted 6-18-2010 Transformers 2 Revenge of the Fallen Game 5-29-2010 Traded In/Dont have anymore UPDATE Uncharted Drakes Fortune 5-29-2010 Army of TWO 6-4-2010 [...
A music video of Burnout Paradise with Yellowcards Way Away from their album Ocean Avenue. 100% of this video was played, captured, and edited by myself. Burnout Paradise is property of Criterion Games and EA....
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