In true B-movie style your Saturday night is ruined by an invasion of zombies. Set across six classic American horror movie inspired levels, Burn Zombie Burn! is a thirdperson shootem-up for PlayStation 3 (PSN) and PC (Steam) in the classic coin-op tradition. Its up to you to shoot, burn and blow up as many undead as possible before you succumb to their attacks. The new PC version of the game features the standard Freeplay, Defend Daisy and Timed modes, as well as a new Survival mode, which packs an ever increasing number of...
Burn Zombie Burn! (2010) Cool game,is fun to play =D =========================== CPU:AMD Athlon X2 5000+ 2.6 Ghz GPU:ATI Radeon 4770 512 MB Ram:2 GB DDR2 800 Mhz OS:Windows 7 Ultimate 32 bit =========================== Welcome to the char-grilled world of Burn Zombie Burn, where the best type of undead is barbequed undead. The goals are simple: keep Bruce alive, as he tries to keep Daisy alive, and get the highest score possible. Standing (well, ambling) in your way is a never ending horde of the rotting, stinking and stupid...
youtube burnzombieburn http Weapons of BZB Burn Zombie Burn Games Computer Video Gaming Entertainment News P2 Games and doublesix, in the face of growing protests and excessive undead moaning, today went ahead and confirmed that the mega-hit arcade shooter Burn Zombie Burn is now available on Steam for only $9.99 and £6.99 and 7.99Euros. P2 is launching the hit game despite ongoing demands from the undead civil rights group, the Brotherhood for the Restriction of Attacks, Aggression, Ammunition and Injury of N...
gamezplay - The crypt keepers at Pinnacle Software and developer Doublesix have today lifted the lid on a brand new in-game trailer and screenshots which reveals all of the enemy zombie types players will encounter in the fiendishly addictive arcade shooter Burn Zombie Burn!, releasing on PlayStation Network. More at gamezplay...
In true B-movie style your Saturday night is ruined by an invasion of zombies. Set across six classic American horror movie inspired levels, Burn Zombie Burn! is a thirdperson shootem-up for PlayStation 3 (PSN) and PC (Steam) in the classic coin-op tradition. Its up to you to shoot, burn and blow up as many undead as possible before you succumb to their attacks. The new PC version of the game features the standard Freeplay, Defend Daisy and Timed modes, as well as a new Survival mode, which packs an ever increasing number of...
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