I know Super Boom Tunes isnt that impressive to TAS, but the tune is so awesome I just had to do it. There was a mistake in Super Smooth Sailing so I had to redo it afterwards and edit it over the first try. Thats why theres suddenly a higscore even though I have no star next to the attraction. Theres also a minor mistake on Puppet Master. At 38 seconds the lever was pulled a few frames later. It didnt affect the final score, so I choose not to redo it....
I cut out half of Dont Fall since it was like 4 minutes long and you really dont need to see all of that and I only did half of Sparks Will Fly because it was the most boring Attraction to TAS and I really didnt feel like finnishing it. I hope you dont mind....
Add &fmt=18 for high quality These are my top ten DS games. I tried to do a variety of games so if a whole series was great I just put them all together. If you like these games and want to recommend similar games please do or just discuss these games or other games. Thanks for viewing and commenting. --------Games -------------------------------- Music------- 10. Bomberman Land Touch --- Multiplayer music 9. Jump Ultimate Stars ----------- Spirit of Hokage 8. Phoenix Wright ------------------ Inform the Truth 7. Ninja Gaide...
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