The game will take place ten years after the NES installment. According to Capcoms press release, this iteration follows Nathan Spencer (voiced by Faith No More lead singer Mike Patton), a government operative working in the fictional Ascension City, where he is betrayed by his own government and falsely imprisoned. Before his execution, an experimental weapon detonates in Ascension City, unleashing an earthquake along with a radioactive shockwave that leaves the city destroyed and wiping out its populace, with the threat of...
Nathan Radd Spencer returns as the daring elite soldier equipped with his famous bionic arm in Capcoms Bionic Commando Rearmed 2 for PlayStation 3 (PSN) and Xbox 360 (LIVE Arcade). The games cutscene art has been designed by cutting-edge art studio Massive Black, who previously worked on Bioshock 2, God of War 3 and Infamous. capcom Please dont forget to SUBSCRIBE to youtube - Rapid firing the latest game news, trailers, screens and art that true players dont wanna miss out on....
Part 1 of 2. Classic Game Room was the FIRST classic video game review show on the Internet in 1999. Returning in 2008 with new episodes, Classic Game Room breaks out a review of BIONIC COMMANDO REARMED for the Xbox 360 live arcade XBLA. This Bionic Commando review shows footage and gameplay that will make your head explode with joy. If you loved the Capcom masterpiece, Bionic Commando on the Nintendo Entertainment System from 1988 (the NES ) then you will LOVE this new Bionic Commando also from CAPCOM, masters of bringing o...
Part 2 of 2. Classic Game Room breaks out a review of BIONIC COMMANDO REARMED for the Xbox 360 live arcade XBLA. This Bionic Commando review shows footage and gameplay that will make your head explode with joy. If you loved the Capcom masterpiece, Bionic Commando on the Nintendo Entertainment System from 1988 (the NES ) then you will LOVE this new Bionic Commando also from CAPCOM, masters of bringing old school retro 2d games back with 3d elements but retaining their 2-D charm. 2008 has been a great year on Xbox Live, we got...
Classic Game Room reviews BIONIC COMMANDO REARMED 2 for Playstation 3 PS3 (also available for Xbox 360) published by Capcom. This sequel to the Bionic Commando remake called Bionic Commando Rearmed is slightly refined with a few new features and additional challenge levels. Bionic Commando can now jump and adjust the length of his bionic arm. Beautiful background imagery and awesome music ramp up the intensity of this slick 2D style action platformer to BIONIC levels of awesomeness. This CGR review of Bionic Commando Rearmed...