The comments are disabled in the other videos because people are not able to behave. Negative comments will be deleted. Share your thoughts about the game, not about how I play. This was meant as an overview, its not a walkthrough!...
Avatar: The Game Debut Trailer [HD] Developer: Ubisoft Release: Q4/2009 Genre: Action/Adventure Platform: PS3/X360/Wii/PC Publisher: Ubisoft Website: Avatar the game is its own thing but follows in the world of Pandora. FOR MORE MACHINIMA GOTO: youtube...
youtube Click this to watch Avatar The Game Multiplayer Trailer! James Camerons Avatar: Video Game Review S1E3 Today we are checking out the movie to game adaptation for James Camerons Avatar The Game. The movie has been hyped to be an amazing cinema experience. The question is. can Avatar The Game deliver a great gaming experience or will it fall into the humdrum of most movie games? Lets find out. FOR MORE MACHINIMA GOTO: youtube TAGS: yt:quality=high James Camerons Avatar video game Cameron Camerons Ubisoft Montreal UPC 0...
James Camerons AVATAR The Game 3 PS3 Playing as a AVATAR This is not a walkthrough just showing you guys sum game play if ur intrested in buying, There are 2 parts to this game play as a AVATAR or as a soldier. I will post videos up as the soldier when i have completed the AVATAR part. PLEASE COMMENT RATE AND SUBSCRIBE CHECK OUT MY CHANNEL FOR MORE VIDEOS ADD ME ON PSN Audioinmotion_2008...
youtube Click above to watch Resident Evil Darkside Chronicles: In the Game (Gameplay Overview) S2E18 James Camerons Avatar: In the Game (Gameplay Overview) S2E19 After the success of their King Kong adaptation, Ubisoft again sets out to prove that they are the go to developer for movie tie-in games as they release the video game companion to James Camerons new sci-fi epic, Avatar. FOR MORE MACHINIMA GOTO: youtube TAGS: Avatar In the Game In the Game Avatar James Camerons Avatar video game Cameron Camerons Ubisoft Montreal U...
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