End of Nations E3 2010 Acropolis Gameplay Trailer [HD] Developer: Petroglyph Release: TBA Genre: MMO/RTS Platform: PC Publisher: Trion Worlds Website: endofnations Anarchy followed in the wake of the economic collapse of the 21st century, but a new superpower, the Order of Nations, emerged from the shadows to restore order -- by force. Armed with an array of advanced technologies, this new world order promised it would never allow another global disaster, but the price was unquestioned obedience. Benevolence quickly turned t...
Platform: PC Game: James Bond: Blood Stone The prologue begins with Greco, an international terrorist planning an attack on the G-20 Summit at the Acropolis structure in Athens. M sends Bond to investigate and prevent an attack from occurring. After a brief encounter with Greco on his yacht, Bond pursues him through Athens. After a second confrontation with Greco, Bond stops a bomb-laden car destined for the Acropolis structure, saving the G-20 summit from potential disaster. The next morning, Bond is assigned to rescue a mi...
This game has to be one of my all time favorites. Its another one where I gave up about a year of my life to and it may have been quite instrumental in developing my interest in History so much that my goal since has been to become a history major. I always loved when this particular song would come up, it really captures my imagination of the Ancient classical world of Greece and Rome. Every time I hear it I always imagine some really great structure like the Acropolis or the Colosseum being built and glistening in the anci...
Platform: PC Game: James Bond: Blood Stone The prologue begins with Greco, an international terrorist planning an attack on the G-20 Summit at the Acropolis structure in Athens. M sends Bond to investigate and prevent an attack from occurring. After a brief encounter with Greco on his yacht, Bond pursues him through Athens. After a second confrontation with Greco, Bond stops a bomb-laden car destined for the Acropolis structure, saving the G-20 summit from potential disaster. The next morning, Bond is assigned to rescue a mi...
A compilation effort to save the 3D cinematic movies created as part of the Outrage Entertainment Development Team for the Descent 3 PC Game project, published in 1999 by Interplay. (Both companies have long since closed). My contributions were the original screenplay, storyboards, production design, and 6 minutes of intro animation sequence, several sets, props, and robots including the Beagle Bay set, Red Acropolis, the Expediator Dreadnaught, Dravis Guard Drone, Material Defenders Blaster, Guidebot, plus other misc. desig...