My 613235450 points in Pacifism. (Geometry Wars Retro Evolved 2; Xbox 360) Rank: #705 in the world #17 in Canada* #1 in Nova Scotia* ******************** NEW: I broke this record August 9th, 2009, with a 700 million (703230700) score, but did not record it. :( However, I am now much more certain I can break the billion barrier. NEW Rank: #553 in the world #13 in Canada* #1 in Nova Scotia* ******************** *Estimates, assuming even distribution. Current Rank: card.mygamercard (For your scores, replace Xonatron with your g...
My 32 million (32568420) points in Deadline. (Geometry Wars Retro Evolved 2; Xbox 360) Tell me, did you see 1:57 coming up? I broke into the top 1000 with this one. I always viewed Deadline as the most competitive game mode, for my skill level, and never thought I could be in the top 1000 when I only had my original 12 million top score. Rank: #956 in the world #23 in Canada* #1 in Nova Scotia* *Estimates, assuming even distribution. Current Rank: card.mygamercard (For your scores, replace Xonatron with your gamertag using +...
My 31 million (31448835) points in Deadline. (Geometry Wars Retro Evolved 2; Xbox 360) Just wathcing this replay, it is obvious I can do much better; Every death is very bad. Its surprising this is my highest score, yet. Be on the lookout for higher scores! Rank: #1054 in the world #26 in Canada* #1 in Nova Scotia* *Estimates, assuming even distribution. Current Rank: card.mygamercard (For your scores, replace Xonatron with your gamertag using + for spaces.) Beating my old 25 million score. Jumped from rank #2001 to 1054 in ...
WATCH MY NEW DEADLINE VID! It is MUCH better than this. This is the Deadline mode from Geometry Wars on XBLA. This score wasnt that good because in order for me to record I have to switch from my big hd tv to a small old tv. Anyway, my highscore for deadline is 31 Million (top 50) If anyone wants to send me a Friend Request so I can be on their friends leaderboard I dont mind. Send me a message if you want to know the secrets to getting a big score. Tags: Geometry Wars Retro Evolved 2 Deadline Xbox 360 Xbox live...
Our 3-player 17 million (17531715) points in Waves. (Geometry Wars Retro Evolved 2; Xbox 360) player 1 = Xonatron (red) player 2 = LithiumBullet34 (blue) player 3 = HugeJuge (yellow) I am the only one who plays this game (Xonatron). I know that HugeJuge could match my scores if he tried. Current Ranks (Single Player): card.mygamercard card.mygamercard card.mygamercard (For your scores, replace the gamertag with your gamertag using + for spaces.) Recorded using a Blackmagic Intensity Pro capture card. My 7200 RPM hard drive i...
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